Our Platform

  1. Loyalty to the United States of America and duty to preserve the American way of life. We will protect and defend the Constitution of the United States of America against all enemies, foreign or domestic. We are committed to responsible and ethical stewardship of our land and its natural resources. We place Country above Party. We reject and condemn any who do otherwise. Our Country provides us the freedom to have a Party. Country First.

  2. We demand personal sovereignty in body, mind and spirit. We reserve the right to self-defense, by force of arms if necessary. Both of these rights are endowed and inalienable by the fact of our existence.

  3. Rejection of identity. We are Americans. That is the only relevant identity. Our government has no legitimate need to classify or divide us in any other manner.

  4. Commitment to the protection of Family. Whatever or whoever makes up *your* family is not important. Families must be honored, supported and protected. The State cannot replace families. Families are the best support structure for children. Families are the natural and best outcome of a free nation.

  5. Commitment to Unity - “a house divided against itself cannot stand.” The United States was founded on the basis of an extensive and detailed political debate by people of honor and good faith intentions. They didn’t all agree about everything, but they agreed to be statesmen worthy of their position. We seek a restoration of decency and respect for ALL Americans. We seek a return to politcal discourse that is worthy of our great Republic.

  6. We are committed to personal integrity and authenticity in all dealings. We demand no less from our government.

  7. We are committed to plain language. We will speak and communicate in terms that everyone can easily understand. We demand the same from our government and our laws.

  8. We are committed to honest and accurate communication at all times. We reject and will oppose any who seek to deceive. Human failings are inevitable. That is not the same as intentional deception.

  9. Rejection of ALL personal attacks. Anyone who says they are against “hate” and cannot commit to this simple principle is not being authentic. If you can’t win with your ideas, don’t play. Ad hominem attacks will be exposed for what they are and will not be tolerated among our ranks. Humans are flawed. Our aspirations need not be.

  10. Fundamental respect and support for the rule of law and law enforcement. Laws are worthless without the means to enforce them. Those who choose to serve their country and community in this way should be honored. Those who are subject to the law should be able to expect that it will be enforced fairly and justly. It is not legitimate or acceptable to willfully break existing law to achieve your goals, no matter how noble.

  11. We are committed to honor, respect and do right by our military and veterans. They defend our nation with their lives. We are committed to using our voices and votes to ensure that their civilian commanders are competent, experienced and law-abiding.

  12. We are committed to protecting Americans from unscrupulous manipulation and indoctrination. Social and mainstream media trusts must be called on the carpet, busted down and made to serve the public.

  13. We are committed to restoring the integrity of American educational institutions. Once the pride of the world, they are now bastions of groupthink that defy the very definition of University. Propaganda of any kind in primary, public education cannot and will not be tolerated.

  14. We are committed to the end of two party rule in America. A century of two party tyranny and corruption is the only true threat to democracy faced by our Republic. We reject this binary choice that is no choice at all. We are committed to exposing the means by which the two ruling parties have maintained their domination.

  15. We are committed to achieving a critical mass of awareness as a nationwide organization, becoming a viable third party and fielding candidates that can win. Only when the US Congress is forced to form coalitions among multiple competing parties to do the people’s business - as it is in other modern democracies around the world - will we defeat those who have hijacked our representative form of government.